Saturday, November 28, 2009

Life with Samuel means.....

Never being alone in the bathroom again.

Hearing squeals of laughter from Samuel and shrieks of horror from the cats.

Hearing Samuel's villainous (but cute) laugh when we tell him not to do something and he looks at us like he knows we are too far away to stop him.

Asking ourselves why, why did we buy all these toys when all he wants to play with are the newspapers, books and cd's.

Cute Samuel story:

As mentioned earlier we hosted the playgroup on Monday morning.  When it was over most of the balls from Samuel's ball tent were scattered around the dining room floor.  later in the day on Monday Samuel and I were walking past the dining room and we stopped and I asked him to put the balls back into the tent.  Without hesitation he walked over to the two nearest balls, bent over, picked them up, walked over to the tent and threw them in.  He got a very big hug and kiss for this.  He only did this for about 10-12 balls before he became bored but it is amazing behavior for a 19 month old. Not looking forward to the day when he starts asking "why?" whenever we ask him to do something.


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