Tuesday, December 1, 2009

It is official....We have a ghost(s)

Since we moved in last summer I have thought that we have a ghost(s).  Unexplained noises, items moving from where we had left them.  I thought, am I going crazy? Well, Monday I finally received my proof that we have a ghost.

On Monday Samuel and I went to Carrefour to do some bulk shopping.  When we returned it was close to Samuel's lunch time so I left the bags in the entry way and prepared to feed Samuel. While I was feeding Samuel I had the stereo playing Christmas CD's.  When I was finished feeding Samuel I prepared my lunch.  To eat my lunch I turned off the stereo and turned on the TV to watch Morning Joe(a news and political discussion show).   When it was time to put Samuel down for his nap I turned off the TV and carried Samuel upstairs and placed him in his crib.  I then went downstairs and started to carry the bags down to the basement.  After a few trips I was bending over to pick up a bag when suddenly the stereo began playing a Christmas CD.  For the last 45 minutes the stereo had been turned off.  Suddenly it was  on.  Either we have a ghost or the cats have learned how to turn on the stereo.

The only conclusion I can reach is that I am losing touch with reality(a theory which I am sure some of you support) or we have a ghost.  Hopefully a friendly ghost.


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