Friday, December 18, 2009

It never snows in paris, part deux......

Christmas in Paris means not being able to go anywhere.  The RER A is still on strike. The French cannot drive in the snow.

I do admire our post woman.  Thursday I was thinking that the poste would not be delivered due to the weather.  Especially since our recycling was not picked up on  Wednesday and our trash had not yet been picked up on Thursday.  Much to my surprise I spied our post woman, on her bike(the traditional French method of postal delivery), delivering our mail. She was riding her bike while wrapped in a very large parka and scarves with a very small slit through which one could barely see her eyes.

Left a little after 0900 this morning to drop off Samuel at the HG and was amazed to see a line of cars(about 10 cars/trucks) slowly moving along the avenue gambetta at about 10 KPH.  A car was driving that slowly along a major access to the quai.  The road was wet from Thursday's snow and it had started snowing about 10 minutes before we left but there was absolutely no excuse to be going that slow.

On Thursday, Samuel and I drove to the city centre after he woke from his nap in the afternoon.  It had stopped snowing around 1100 and the roads were not snow packed, just wet.  As we pulled out of our street we ended up behind an old woman who was driving slowly but stopped for every curve in the road and almost stopped for every car coming from the other direction.  Very, very frustrating.  There were just enough cars coming from the other direction that we were unable to pass.

When we did return home on Thursday it was quite beautiful at the house.  If you look at the picture posted yesterday the little tree in the left of the picture is adorned with christmas lights.  When we returned on Thursday we turned on the lights on the tree and stood in the living room watching the lights twinkle in the darkening night and shining off the snow sitting on the branches of the tree.  Even Samuel stood still for a few seconds and marvelled at the sight.

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