Monday, January 11, 2010

Samuel the problem solver

On Sunday(yesterday) when we returned from our errands Samuel wanted to carry the baguette into the house.  he was dressed in a very bulky cold weather jacket with mittens on his hands.  he was unable to hold the baguette in his hands and he was holding it in his arms with his mittened hands trying to keep the baguette from falling to the ground.  He was holding the baguette when he approached our front gate.  Our gate has a very small step, about 2 inches, which is not a vertical step.  There is a slight angle to the step.  As Samuel approached the gate he attempted to step up, without being able to see well because the baguette was blocking his vision.  French baguettes are almost as long as Samuel is tall.  He lifted his foot up but placed it on the slight incline.  When he lifted his other foot, gravity took over, and Samuel and the baguette fell to the ground.  He did what he has been taught to do. He got up, brushed himself off and grabbed my hand and I helped him over the step.

Today we ran a few more errands which included buying a baguette for lunch. When we returned home, Samuel again insisted on carrying the baguette into the house.  He approached the gate with baguette in his mittened hands.  He adjusted the baguette so that he could hold it with his left arm.  He then reached out with his right hand to steady himself on the pillar that holds the gate and he then proceeded to step over the incline and continue on to the front door.

Similar situations separated by 24 hours and he learned from the mistake he made the day before and develops a new solution, with no prodding from me as I was distracted taking the pushchair out of the car.

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