Wednesday, January 13, 2010

We are still learning

Last night(Tuesday) Samuel had his teeth brushed for the first time.  He enjoyed the toothbrush being in his mouth.  Our kit for his dental care also includes a rubber cylinder that fits over an adult finger that is used to massage his gums.  That is what is is designed for.  However, Samuel had other ideas as he constantly closed his mouth over my finger and did not allow me to massage his gums.

Samuel also has a seventh tooth coming in.  Explains why his cheeks have been so red for the last two days.

We had to move to France to become Kentucky hillbillies.  Backstory-When we were living in Cincinnati we found it comical that the mornings when we placed our trash on the curb, that numerous cars and trucks, mostly trucks, would cruise our neighborhood rummaging through the trash and taking things that we and our neighbors were throwing away.

Our next door neighbors were throwing out two young child bicycles.  They both need some work, a rusty chain needs to be replaces, a brake cable is broken but we took them and they are now stored in our basement.  We may never actually use them but we currently have a full size basement so we have the space to store the bikes until we move.

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