Julia and I had our next to last date night for awhile a few weeks ago. We went to a 1 star restaurant near the Arc d'triomphe called Le Chiberta. It was our most expensive meal ever but it was very, very good. I had more black truffles that night then I had had in my entire life. The only disappointment was that Julia was not able to partake in the wine portion of the tasting menu.
Our last official date night before the arrival of the twins will be on the 20th when we goto see Don Carlo at the Paris opera. it is a 4 hour performance and we hope that Julia will be able to sit through the evening in comfort. Julia's cousin, Fiona, is coming over from England for the weekend to watch Samuel so that we are able to spend the night in Paris and not have to rush back after the performance.
Samuel has finally adapted to the section being taken out of his crib. In the evening he now goes to sleep almost immediately and does not roam around the upstairs. In the morning,m if he wakes before us, he will roam the halls with his inchworm bell ringing so that we wake up. He has yet to discover that he can actually enter our room and wake us up. That I am sure will come soon. His nap time is very inconsistent. We put him in his crib around 1300 but he always gets out and plays(or drops his toys down the stairs) at the top of the stairs so that we know he is there. He usually falls asleep after about one hour but he falls asleep on the floor at the top of the stairs or outside the office door. He is very cute when he does this as he is flat on his back with his legs flayed in a V shape and his arms stretched out at right angles from his body with the inch worm tightly grasped in one of his arms.
The other day we thought that Samuel said cookie but this would have been odd as neither of us use the word cookie. After much thought(neither of us have been sleeping well) we determined that Samuel must be saying gouter(pronounced gootay) which is French for taste or snack. A gouter is what the HG calls the afternoon snack that they give the kids.
Samuel has a girlfriend. One day when I went to pick Samuel up at the HG I was standing at the inside door and Samuel was in the far corner. Both the carer and I were calling him. He ignored both of us. A little girl, a few months older than Samuel, walked over to him, grabbed his hand and walked him to me at the door. Very sweet.
One other day when I picked him up they told me that he was starting to get aggressive, pushing and sometime shitting the other kids but that this behavior is perfectly normal. Which we already know as Samuel is quite aggressive with us, often hitting and throwing items when he does not get his way. It tests our patience when he does this but we try to be calm and tell him that hitting and throwing is unacceptable behavior.
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