Monday, February 22, 2010

Other recent events...

A few other updates from Chatou...

Samuel has had a rough few weeks.  He can now proudly display his first four molars (total number of teeth now 10!), but this has been accompanied by no doubt a certain amount of pain and also a period of reduced immunity to infection... which has led to him picking up a number of bugs.  Over the last few weeks he has had 2 ear infections, a stomach bug (gastro), conjunctivitis, and this weekend, tonsilitis.  The good news is that he is such as good-natured little boy that when he isn't well he generally just lies on one of us to cuddle and sleep, in between periods of running around and playing. 

When he is well, Samuel is becoming increasingly energetic and active.  He loves being outside, feeding the ducks and birds on the river (just outside the end of our garden) or walking with Papa around the town.  He is very opinionated and stubborn - but while this can be difficult, like when he decides to throw a lot of things on the floor when he knows he shouldn't, it can also be very sweet as he is absolutely determined to help where he can - carrying in groceries to the kitchen, doing the laundry, carrying his bowl or spoon to the sink when he is done.  Most importantly, though, any baguette carrying in the house must be done by Samuel... held vertically (practically taller than him!), so that he can chew on the end.

Samuel is gradually eating more 'human' (ie adult) food.  So far, he adores croissants, baguette and cheese... it is good to know that even if he looks like a carbon copy of his father, he takes after me in part!!  He has enjoyed banana and mandarin on occasion, and loves chewing on green beans or bell peppers - but most other foods get chewed on and then eventually spat out again.  Samuel also does a great chipmunk impression... if we don't carefully watch what he puts in his mouth, he will store enormous quantities of food in his cheeks before spitting it back out again an hour or more later.  Suffice to say, we still need to work on his table manners... !

Dave and I get to spend our days playing with Samuel, often going outside to feed the ducks and birds by the river, and watching Samuel chase the cats around the house.  We are enjoying the relative peace before the storm that will come so soon with the twins. 

Last weekend I went to a very French meeting at the Mairie (town hall) to sign up Samuel and the twins for the halte-garderie for next year.  Of course, we still don't know where we will be living after my maternity leave - whether we will need to move again for my next job, or whether they will want us to stay here - but we have to get on the official town hall list for child care to have even a chance of getting a place.  After an hour of listening to the person from the early childhood service describing the multitude of different options for child care in France (and all the bureaucracy associated with each one!) I filled in a form that we hope will allow us to at least have all 3 children in care two days a week - which will be good for them (socialization) and for us.  We won't know any more until June... so we keep our fingers crossed until then.

We are still debating when to have Samuel's 2nd birthday party.  Since he turns 2 on April 23rd, it is a bit too risky to assume we will be able to have a party either on or after that date... so we are thinking of moving the party forward to the beginning of the month, before the French school holidays.  Let us know if you would like to come and help celebrate!

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