Saturday, February 21, 2009

Another good day-21 February

Saturday-Samuel has his swimming lesson from 0915-0950.  However, the french school system is on holiday for the next 2 weeks so there was no class today.  But we did not know that so we arrived as usual at 0900 only to be told that class was not scheduled.  Since we were already at the pool we decided to go in anyway.  There were two other couples(both French) who also showed up so the 9 of us shared the baby pool.  Unfortunately since no class was scheduled the toys that are usually available were away in storage. We still managed to have fun.  We spent about 50 minutes in the water with Samuel.  We placed Samuel on our backs with him holding our hair and swam/walked the length of the pool with him on our backs. Samuel also had a great time splashing.  This was 2 consecutive weeks that Samuel really enjoyed his time in the water. Hopefully his enjoyment and improvement will continue. Discovered today that the baby pool is available during the week so for the near future Samuel and I will be going to the pool on Wednesdays to spend some quality time in the pool.

We plan on going to the Musee du Luxembourg to day to see a Miro/Warhol exhibit.  If you remember our posts from the summer there is a wonderful Italienne Glace shop near the Jardin du Luxembourg where the Musee is located.  Unfortunately the high today is only supposed to be 42(6) so they may not be open. Also the glace may not taste as good in cold weather. We have talked about stopping at a cafe on our way home and enjoying one of the benefits of living in Paris.  We have yet to sit at a cafe and have a coffee.  We did have a few beers in the summer when we in Montparnesse.

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