Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Back in Paris

Apologies from the start for the sporadic posting of the last few months. We have now returned to Paris and we are hoping to become settled into a schedule and routine where Samuel and I will be doing something every day, so hopefully there will be plenty of funny stories to post.

Posts are not going to be in calendar order for awhile. We will post stories from our trip to the US as we remember them.

Today Samuel had his first adaptation at his new halte garderie. Of course, this was after he woke up at midnight, raced around the living room tearing up everything he could get his hands on and then abruptly falling asleep again at 0500. Our flight home arrived early, thank to tropical storm Bob which provided stronger than normal tail winds. This meant that Samuel did not get much sleep on the plane. We were surprised that he did not sleep through the night after we got home. Of course, the cats did not help as both of them were vocal in expressing their dismay(not sure if this dismay was directed at our disappearance or our return.)

We went to the halte garderie after we returned on Monday to drop off Samuel's paperwork and meet with the staff. Samuel had fun as he immediately began playing with the toys and completely ignoring his parents. But the news is good as Samuel will be in the halte garderie from 0900-1700 Wednesdays and Fridays every week. I will be dropping Samuel off every day before next Wednesday for daily adaptation where he will gradually spend more time at the halte garderie until he begins his full days.

Samuel had an experience this morning. He was standing in the play kitchen area of the halte with a bowl in one hand and a spoon in the other. A boy, approximately Samuel's age, walked up to him and tried to grabbed the spoon. There was a tug-of-war which the other boy eventually won and he walked away with his treasure. Samuel quickly followed and trapped him in a corner and proceeded to take back the spoon. No punches were thrown. Not sure if I should be proud or worried.


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