Sunday, August 30, 2009

Samuel and food

We saw the gastrointestinal specialist in NYC who did what we expected and referred us to the eating and swallowing clinic.

At the clinic it was determined that Samuel's difficulties with eating are not physical but psychological. We just have to be patient and keep working with him to try to get him to eat solid food.

He has improved while we have been in NY. He loves cheerios. He will eagerly put them in his mouth. Unfortunately, he does not swallow them. He will keep them in his mouth for a few seconds and then he spits them out.

Funny story from tonight(Saturday). While eating at the kitchen table we gave Samuel some cheerios and a grilled hot dog. He very happily hoarded his cheerios by putting them inside his overalls. After storing a few cheerios there, he began to hoard cheerios and hot dog slices in the front pocket of his overalls.

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