Friday, September 4, 2009

Second adaptation day at halte garderie

Samuel had his second day of adaptation at the halte garderie today. He was there from 1030 to 1130. When I dropped him off today I told him goodbye and gave him his kiss as he sat on the bench after I took his shoes off. He was again very excited to see the play area and very anxious to enter and begin playing. When I opened the door to the play area he scooted off without a seconds hesitation and never looked back.

When I returned in 1 hour the carer met me at the inner door and we both called Samuel over and much to my surprise he actually came. Not as much of a fuss leaving today as yesterday.

Monday, Samuel will spend 90 minutes at the halte. Tuesday will be the big day as he will spend 2 hours and they will feed him his lunch.

After we left the halte we drove to the city centre to visit the butcher and the cheese shop. I was happy with the visit to the cheese shop as I was able to order 4 types of cheese and a half dozen eggs without a problem. the only problem was Samuel as I had carried him to the shop and when I put him down to pay he scooted off toward the front door which was open as it was a cool day in Chatou. I barely caught him before he was on the sidewalk.

Our neighbors have a little black kitten. When Julia came home tonight we noticed that the kittten was in the tree next door and seemed to be in distress. We spent about 10 minutes coaxing the kitten down out of the tree. Afterwards the kitten entered our yard and proceeded to jump on the windowsill that looks into our kitchen. Molson noticed this and jumped onto the kitchen counter and immediately began hissing and raising his fur at the intruder. The kitten failed to take notice of the ferocious Molson. Eventaully the kitten went away but not before reaching its paws in through our kitchen window(the windows here have no screens as there are very few bugs(as my wife says, but she is the same person that told me that it never snows in Paris(see previous blog concerning snow in Paris.))) for some stroking and petting.


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