Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Third and fourth adaptation days at Halte Garderie

Henceforth, Hatle Garderie will be abbreviated to HG.

On Monday Samuel was in HG for 90 minutes from 1000-1130. No problems. He again enthusiastically left my arms to enter the play area. When I returned and rang the bell for them to open the outer door it was cute as all the kids turned their heads and stared to see who was coming in. A few of them ran to the door in anticipation of my being their parent. They were not openly disappointed. Samuel actually came to me when I called him from the inner door today.

Tuesday was a big day as Samuel would be eating at the HG for the first time. I dropped him off at 1000 with a bottle. When I returned at 1200 they told me that there had been no problems and that Samuel had taken the entire bottle. It was then that my French was challenged. I asked about the hours he was scheduled to attend on Wednesday and they responded with various times. I could not understand if they were telling me to choose a time or that I had the option of bringing him at different times. I was able to understand when they told me that they wanted me to bring "real" food rather than just a bottle. Apparently, as Julia found out later with a confirming phone call, Samuel had imitated the other kids while they were eating their food on Tuesday. He picked up a spoon and a fork and took it to his mouth while the other kids were eating. This is what we had hoped would happen when he started HG. A little peer pressure goes a long way, as long as it is positive.

Tuesday we also tried something a little different. I drove Samuel to the HG to drop him of then walked home leaving the car at the HG. I then walked back in the afternoon to pick up Samuel, driving him home in the car. It is a short 10 minute walk to the HG with only one small obstacle. There is a hill that the municipal has kindly carved stairs into but there are 103 steps and Samuel gets very heavy if you have to carry him up 103 steps which get very steep at the top. I have tried navigating up the steps with Samuel in the pushchair but it is a a slow process and it tends to block the path for others to use. It is easy to take Samuel down the stairs in the pushchair as all we have to do is tilt back and let the rear wheels do all the work. Hands start to cramp as a firm grip is necessary but Samuel seems to enjoy it.

I just dropped him off for his Wednesday session which is scheduled from 1000-1600. I get to a spend a few hours baby proofing our kitchen drawers.


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