Saturday, September 12, 2009

Saturday trip to market

This morning(Saturday) Samuel and I went to the city centre market.  Samuel took his first ride in his new jogging stroller. We bought the jogging stroller at Target in new Jersey(Just realized that we have not posted about our shopping evening in NJ).  It is a very nice ride.  Not sure why, but Samuel has not one but two cup holders.  Very classy.

The trip to the market was uneventful until we went to the fruitier.  It is a very small shop with a a stand in the middle of the shop which forms a"U" around which you are supposed to enter, pay and then exit.  After we had begun our order a women entered from the wrong direction and began asking questions of the staff.  I tried to maneuver the jogging stroller behind her to be able to pay but here was not enough room.  I said, "Pardon, Madame" and unfortunately she decided to step backward into Samuel and the stroller.  I grabbed her by the arm to prevent her from falling into Samuel, saying, "Desole, desole,desole"(Sorry, sorry, sorry). She said a few words, not sure if they were directed at me or the staff and she then proceeded to storm out of the shop not buying anything.  I hope I did not lose the fruitier a customer. As I like the staff and the products at the fruitier I hope this does not damage my relationship with them.

When we at the butcher I was asked if I wanted any chorizo by the young man helping me.  This is good as they are getting to know me and Samuel and accept us even though my french is not very good, especially after 3 weeks in the states.  I am scheduled to resume my lessons on Wednesday, while Samuel is in HG, but it will be with a new instructor who I have yet to meet.

As we were walking home we stopped at a small playground.  Samuel climbed on the little playhouse for a few minutes and I then sat him on a horse with a spring.  It is the type of ride where you sit and push forward and backward and the spring prevents you from going to far either direction but also propels you faster than you expect in the opposite direction. Sorry, my engineer language is lacking in descriptive skills.  The bottom line is that Samuel needs to learn to hold his head upright when riding such a ride as he hit head on the front of the ride when he went forward the first time.  I held his head after that and he seemed to enjoy the ride.  He fussed and cried as I put him in the stroller for the rest of the journey home.

We will return as there are actually two such playgounds on the way to the city centre.  We should walk to the city centre as least twice per week to do shopping and errands, weather depending.

Samuel spent part of the day chasing Molson and pulling his tail.  I picked Molson up and put him through the cat door leading to the basement but he immediately returned to the kitchen.  At that point we told him that he was on his own if Samuel pulled his tail as we had taken him to a place of safety but he chose to return to an area of danger of his own accord and we were no longer responsible for what happened to him.  Samuel was very very happy to see Molson return.

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