Saturday, September 12, 2009

Last adaptation day

Today was Samuel's last adaptation day at the HG.  Everything went well.  He finished his bottle, imitated the other kids while they were eating with spoons(come on peer pressure).  He napped for 2 hours and played the rest of the time.

Cat update-Molson is still very much alive.  He has occasional diarrhea but other than that he he is healthy, happy and keeps us awake at night with his constant jumping on and off the bed.  Both cats have surprised us greatly by becoming outdoor cats since our return from NY.  We have a double sliding glass door that leads to our terrace.  For security reasons the owner installed a full length metal, electric shade.  For most of the day we keep the shade closed to keep the sun out as the living room, onto which the doors open.  At least while it is still somewhat warm.  Later in the afternoon I open the shade and then also open the doors to allow for a breeze to bring fresh air into the house.  We can do this because we have installed a playpen with a gate so that Samuel is locked away from the door and cannot get out into the yard unsupervised.  We also thought this would keep the cats in as they are too chicken to jump the gate.  Well, in the living room there is a couch near the corner of the playpen and they have learned to climb onto the couch and then jump into the playpen and then exit through the door into the yard.  So far neither of them has been adventurous enough to leave our yard and we do not think that they will as there are other cats in the neighborhood.  Molson has been especially brave as he jumps from the couch directly out the crack in the window and lands on the terrace.


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