Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Samuel and food, II

I know it is wrong to put a lot of weight behind one good day but we have to take our small victories when we have them.

For lunch today I gave Samuel half a jar(100 g) of legumes, pates & jambon.  As usual he fought me by refusing to voluntarily sit in his chair.  When he finally gets into the chair he kicks his legs to the point that the table is bouncing off the ground.  It would be funny if it was not happening to us.  Today something different happened though.  When I was able to get the first spoonful of the puree into his mouth he immediately calmed down and started accepting the spoonfuls of puree.  It even got to the point where if I delayed in getting the spoon to his mouth he would open his mouth wider and lean as far forward in his chair, as he could without falling out, in order to shorten the delivery time of the spoon.  He normally only acts this way when he is being fed a fruit puree or a petite suisse.  The entire process of lunch took only 15 minutes.

Snack is at 1600,  We will see how it goes.


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