Friday, January 29, 2010

Glory, glory, Samuel slept through the night for the first time since we removed a section of his crib.  The downside is that he is no longer taking 2 hour naps in the afternoon.  For his naps we take him upstairs and leave him alone. He almost immediately crawls out of his crib and walks to the top of the stairs carrying his inchworm(it makes noise when he walks).  He then proceeds to sit there, quietly, sucking on his pacifier, patiently waiting for one of us to come and get him.

One hour later.  Had to go pick up Samuel early from HG.  He picked up conjunctivitis last Sunday and had been feeling better since then.  But the HG called saying that he had had a very runny diaper and was acting very apathetic.  So I went to get him.  When I walked in he looked very tired and pale(but he is half British).  I asked him to come to me and he went to one of the carers and gave her on of his patented leg hugs.  I was only slightly devastated.

Yesterday was family haircut day.  My hair was cut first so that Samuel could see that it is fun to have one's haircut.  When we had had our haircut individually both of us had failed to notice that our coiffure has a small table and chairs with toys for kids to play with.  While I was getting my haircut Julia was sitting with Samuel playing at the table.  When my hair was finished the stylist cut Samuel's hair at the table while he was playing with the toys.  He was very happy while his hair was being cut.

Last Saturday Julia and i went to see Invictus.  We had wanted to see it for awhile.  When Samuel and I were at the city centre shopping on Saturday morning I happened to walk by the city centre movie theatre and noticed that, not only, was it playing Invictus, it was playing in V.O.(version originale).  Which means it is English with french subtitles.  Great to discover that our local theatre plays movies in English.  We had thought that our only option was to travel to the Champs Elyssee to see movies in English.

Very French moment on Thursday(yesterday).  Samuel and I went to the city centre to shop.  One of our stops was at the cheese shop.  A women entered the shop before us.  Fifteen minutes later we were finally able to place our order.  This woman ordered 92 euros of cheese.

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