Thursday, July 31, 2008

Learning new things everyday(some of which I hope to never see again)

Took Samuel out for an early morning(0930) stroll along the mostly empty streets. Lesson learned for the future, if I am to do any shopping it appears that early morning as the stores open is the best time to go with Samuel.

We picked up a herald tribune and I found a bench where I parked Samuel and I sat down to read. I must describe the street. It was a wide sidewalk with Paris style parking. There were cars parked on the sidewalk near the street, but something I had not seen before. There were also cars parked on the inside of the sidewalk, so as you walked down the sidewalk there were cars on both the left and right. So back to the bench. As I was reading the paper with my legs stretched out in front of me I heard a car horn. I looked up and there was a very small European brand car about 18 inches away from me. With my legs stretched out there was not enough room for the car to pass between the bench and the parked cars. I immediately moved my legs and the car passed. Very quiet car as I did not hear it approach until the horn was engaged.

My second encounter of the morning was not nearly so pleasant. After I picked up a baguette for lunch and began the return journey to the apartment, i rounded a corner and saw a 2-3 year old girl lying on the sidewalk, lightly crying. Her mother was running toward her. As she picked up her daughter she was speaking very loudly and quickly in french so I was unable to understand most of what she said. The only word I was able to pick up was peepee. As we walked closer to the woman and her child she picked her up and pulled down her underwear and held her over the curb of the street imploring her to go peepee. I am hoping that this is not a standard occurrence on the streets of Paris.

Still no word on a long term apartment. We are expecting to visit more apartments on Friday.


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