Sunday, July 27, 2008

Saturday in the homage to Chicago

We took Samuel to the jardin du Luxembourg on saturday(twice actually). Julia took him in the morning in the hope that I could sleep. It is nice to hope but I was unable to sleep. The three of us went in the afternoon and found a jardin d'enfants(garden for enfants) which was very nice indeed. It contained 4 sandboxes and 2 small wading pools. The wading pools were more like light mud baths as they were located between the sandboxes and thus the little ones were constantly dumping sand in the water.

After seeing this park I am hopeful that we will get our 2nd choice in apartment as we would be only 2 blocks from the bois bologne, a much larger park, that offers the same accommodations and that are free to children 3 and under.

We also forgot to mention that our 2nd choice is also only 2 blocks from the Seine. Another opportunity for walks with Samuel and runs for me.

The fact that we were able to visit the Italian gelato shop on the way back to the apartment in no way influenced our decision to visit the park.

We stopped at Picard, a shop that only sells frozen prepared food, and picked up some chicken mikka and legumes for dinner. Not bad. Good to know that we will have such options if Samuel and I have a bad(or good) day and I am unable to prepare dinner whlie Julia is working.


1 comment:

  1. Good to see that you find more and more options which will make your life in Paris enjoyable!
    It's just a miracle to me where this is an homage to Chicago... Are there also good playgrounds downtown???
