Saturday, August 2, 2008

Futon shopping is fun

In what we hope is the beginning of a fine family tradition the 3 of us went to an open air market this morning.  Many stolen items were on display(DVD's for 10 euros).  Was surprised that the textile kiosks outnumbered the food/produce.  However, it was reminiscent of going to findlay market in Cincinnati where you have friendly independent vendors with fresh, good quality meat and produce.  We also went to monoprix ( a supermarket/department store) where I attempted my first solo buy.  I was adventurous and purchased a 6 pack of coca-cola light(not diet, but light) and an anniversary card for Julia as our anniversary is the 6th. Sidenote-thanks again to my sister, Beth, who pointed out that my previous post was incorrect.  Our anniversary is not the 5th as previously reported(and confirmed by Julia.)  It is indeed the 6th. The only obstacle I encountered during my shopping spree was during check-out when I did not provide enough cash for the transaction.  I must be faster than the register as the amount, on the screen,  changed after I took out my wallet.  We then had hoped to go to Leonidas (a wonderful chocolatier), however, they had posted a sign since I reviewed their hours earlier in the week, stating that they are closed until August 26th.  C'est la vie en France.(No critique at this point in time please.  My french lessons begin on the 11th.)

After returning to the apartment for a lunch of meats and cheeses we headed to BHV to look at futons.   Which is important, as this futon will be the guest bed, wherever we end up living.  I can say that I have had enough of the French for one day.  The store was packed.  Apparently it was the last day of a sale.  It is alarming how many people will not get out of your way, or just blindly walk into you,  even when you are transporting a 3 month old baby.

Tomorrow should be an easy day of church and time in the park(weather permitting.)

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