Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Still no news...

We still don't have a permanent home in Paris. Of our 3 choices, the #1 choice (Pauline Borghese) is now back on the maket with the rent increased by 300 Euros/month; we are still waiting to hear whether the owner of our #2 choice (Ave de Madrid) will compromise on price; and we have decided against our #3 choice after a lot of reflection as while the apartment was very nice, it wasn't the best area for us (no easy access to parks). We hope to hear back on the Ave de Madrid apartment tomorrow... but since it seemed like the agent was dodging our consultant's calls today, it may not be good news. In that case, we will grit our teeth, put in a new bid at the higher price for Pauline Borghese, and also ask the relocation agents to show us any new properties that may now be on the market (since we now don't trust that the owner of Pauline Borghese will ever really sign a contract). Failing all of this, we may yet just move to the burbs.

All very frustrating.

On the plus side, we have moved into a different temporary apartment in the same building we were in before. This one is much better - still very small, but at least it has a real kitchen (so we can cook), a bed that doesn't kill our backs and enough space in the living room that when we put Samuel down to play on his mat, it doesn't take up the whole floor. We can now even receive our air shipment (I am not kidding when I say that there would not have been room for us + the boxes in the last apartment), so at least we can get some more of Samuel's things as well as the Mac and some things for us. Means we will no longer need to give Samuel baths in the sink!! The cats managed the move without missing a beat - they also seem happier to have a bit more space, even if they still have to see more of each other than they might like!

More news to come when we have some...

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