Friday, September 25, 2009

Guess who's home?

Julia always calls home when she is leaving work so that I can begin preparing dinner.  This means that I am usually in the kitchen when she parks the car.  I can see her park the car from the kitchen window.  Samuel is usually puling my pants down while I am in the kitchen preparing dinner.  After I see Julia park the car I will turn to Samuel and say "Guess who's home?"  He immediately loosens his grip on my pants or whatever toy he happens to be holding, breaks out into a wide 5 tooth grin and runs off in the direction of the front door where he happily greets Julia as soon as she opens the door.  She has learned to be careful when opening the door as Samuel is usually in a position to be hit by the door.

Samuel will soon have 6 teeth.  The fourth tooth on the top is ready to breakthrough the gum at any moment.

Samuel has learned to pull himself up onto the couch without assistance.  He has learned to climb onto the back of the couch to access the controls for the shades.  One of his favorite pastimes is to repeatedly open and close the shades by pressing the remote.

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