Sunday, September 20, 2009

Berry picking.......

We found a farm near Versailes that allows vegetable and fruit picking.  We went in anticipation of returning with large amounts of apples and raspberries.  We were not disappointed with the apples but the raspberries had been picked and a number of the vines were dead.  Samuel did not have a good time.  He was very fussy, crying and throwing fits while we were trying to pick our produce.  The farm did have a decent selection of vegetables so we had a nice green salad with dinner last night.  We will definitely go back in the future as it is only a 15 minute drive.  We just need to learn the growing seasons here and when what is at its peak picking time.

We have discovered a new boulangerie.  It is about a 15-20 minute walk but it is worth the effort.  Samuel and I walked(Samuel rode, I pushed) there this morning for our traditional Sunday morning breakfast of pain au chocolat and croissant.

Not much happening as we are just taking it easy, enjoying the nice weather and watching Samuel pull Molson's tail at every opportunity.  I have to question the intelligence of the cat as he allows Samuel to walk/crawl up to him, pull his tail and Molson does nothing except meow loudly.  All he has to do is walk/run away.

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