Thursday, July 24, 2008

The cat, the window, the police, the super-detective husband... and why cheap French wine is a very very good thing

Today we really learned to appreciate French wine. Not only have we had a roller-coaster day of apartment negotiation, but in the midst of all this we had a major panic attack as we realized Preacher had gone missing. Since our temporary apartment is barely large enough to fit us all in (let alone "swing a cat" :-)), it didn't take long to turn the whole place upside down... and realize that she really was missing. All we could see was two large, open windows moving in the wind... and a long drop down from the 4th floor. Had Paris already made her suicidal? Had Molson, who was sitting so very contentedly by the window, been so frustrated by the move and the small space that he had a psychotic cat-break and pushed her out?!

In the event that she could have landed on the restaurant awning below us and bounced onto the street, I spent some time asking the people running the stores around us in the street whether they had seen her - so I am now probably known as the Crazy Cat Lady of Montparnasse. I called the police, the SPA, the company that own our temporary building... all to no avail (other than to help me remember vocabulary I hope I never need again). After much frantic searching, despair, concern, and visions of Preacher doing a swan-dive off the window-ledge, my wonderful husband realized he needed to think like Preacher to find her (yes, also a scary thought)... and when he opened a cupboard door and saw the long, tall, narrow cardboard box in which the playpen came which had been hidden at the back of the closet, he actually reached down inside.... and felt the little fur-ball hidden at the bottom.


Wonderful, wonderful husband.

Much alcohol needed - and since consumed.

So... now to update you on our apartment search. As of Wednesday evening, it seems we may actually have a shot at getting our #1 choice (Rue Pauline Borghese in Neuilly) - we hope to hear back tomorrow. We are also negotiating price on our #2 choice (the one we revisited today) - which we hope to bid on if we don't get the #1 choice tomorrow. Failing this, we will likely put in a bid on our #3 choice on Friday morning - and hope it is still available. If we are lucky enough to get #1 we then have to figure out where we will live and where our stuff will stay until December... a whole 'nother can of worms...

All of these places are great options. All are ~200msq (HUGE for Paris), classical old buildings with tall ceilings, and in good condition. #1 is on the top floor with a wrap-around balcony with amazing views of Paris; #2 is within a few hundred yards of the Bois de Boulogne, metro, shops, etc.; and #3 is within a few hundred yards of the Arc de Triomphe, metro, shops, etc. We are very fortunate indeed in our choices. Hopefully we will get one of these, and then we can post pictures so you can all start making bookings at Hotel Charter!

I am so very thankful that I married such an amazing man. Life has been just a tad stressful - but through it all he has been a rock of strength and always open minded to this new life we are embarking on. (Even when he has to hear French people's opinions on American politics.) The number of reasons I love him grows by the day.

- Julia

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