Monday, July 21, 2008

Leaving Cincinnati, Part Un

Since we did not have an apartment in Paris before we were leaving Cincinnati we decided to have a yard sale. First advice, never have a yard sale on the hottest most humid day of the year. Also be aware that people will show up at leat 1 hour before your advertised start time. We posted an 8 AM start and our first customer appeared at 6:45. All of the good items that we had advertised were sold before 8 AM. One woman literally bought our black futon as my brother-in-law was carrying it out the door. It took Bob 15 minutes to help this woman load her car. She bought so much of our junk that I thought her tires would go flat from the extra weight in the vehicle.

I need to take time here to thank a few people who helped out for the yard sale. First of all, my brother-in-law Bob. Thanks for the muscle. Definitely would not have managed the 2 tv's down the stairs without you. My sister, Beth, who babysat her nephew for two days.

To my friends, Brent, JOni and Joni's mom pete for the loan of tables. Also for the use of their vehicle on Sunday so we could drop off leftover items at goodwill.

Also thanks to Julia for allowing me to show her a true american spectacle, a yard sale.

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