Sunday, July 20, 2008

Moving to Paris, France

The move to France went surprisingly well. Molson(our cat with cancer) had a stinker of an explosive pooh as we hit the security checkpoint at CVG. It was rather difficult to clean the cat and his carrier while placing all our luggage and the stroller for the X-ray machine. Needless to say we made no new friends in the security line.

Samuel and Molson were wonderful on the flight. Molson meowed only during take-off and landing, other than that no one knew he was on the flight. Samuel fussed a little during the meal service but either slept or quietly laid in our laps for the remainder of the flight.

We are currently residing in temporary accommodation in the 14th arrondisement. The accomodations do not live up to the billing. The cuisine (kitchen) is just an alcove barely large enough to turn around in. We may move to another temp site on 1 August, depending on the results of our househunting trip on the 22nd. If we find a suitable apartment that is available on 1 August we may move in and have P & G provide us with rental furniture until our shipment arrives.

Molson and Preacher have adjusted well to the move. They each have their own bedroom in the temp apartment adn are very happy and content.

Samuel now thinks day is night and night is day so we are not getting much sleep as we try to change his schedule back to normal.

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