Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Gastronomical pleasures and nightmares

Ah, to be in France - the land where, as far as I can tell, there are four major food groups: wine, bread, cheese and chocolate. It is great to be in a country where you can walk half a block to a bakery and buy a baguette still warm from the oven throughout the day. We've gotten to know the local boulangerie well (Samuel is a total charmer - all the women remember him and ask about him). We are also lucky enough to be close to a big supermarket, where we've happily been discovering good bottles of wine and cheeses all for very affordable prices. But beyond these... I'm learning that when shopping, it might be best to just avert your eyes at the check-out counter and blindly hand over the plastic... A simple can of tuna is $3.50!!!

Our temporary apartment has a most bizarre cooking contraption - a combination microwave / grill which is apparently supposed to be able to simulate conventional oven cooking by combining these functions. Yeahhhh. Right. Tell that to the frisbee-shaped piece of shoe leather we tried to eat for dinner last night. We've reached the conclusion that you have to be a nuclear physicist to figure out how to operate this thing. (OK - or just smarter than us. That isn't nearly as difficult :-))

Hopefully we'll move into a new place soon - either our permanent home (if we can find one today!) or a different temporary place (with a REAL oven!). Fingers crossed for our househunting trip today.

- Julia

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