Monday, July 21, 2008

Samuel's pediatrician visit

Samuel was awake and alert for his first pediatrician visit in Paris. He should have been as he did not fall asleep until 2:30 AM and slept until 9 AM. I on the other hand am exhausted. Julia and I are alternating nights so that at least one of us gets a good nights sleep.

After a less then usual terrifying Paris taxi ride we arrived at the American Hospital. We are seeing Dr. John Lovejoy, former head of ER pediatrics at NY Presbyterian(which is where we had our IVF procedure). Very good bedside manner with us and with Samuel. Samuel's vitals are as follows: weight 5.85 KG, 59.9 CM. Apologies to all the Americans reading this but if I have to learn the metric system, so do you. No other health issues. He is a happy well adjusted little boy, in spite of his parents.

We did learn something about french culture. When we take Samuel back in 1 month for his 4 month shots we have to stop y the pharmacie and pick up the needles and vaccines ourselves. Dr. Lovejoy has said that they have tried to change this requirement so that the doctors office can supply the vaccines but every time they do the pharmacists go out on strike. Welcome to Paris!!

Preacher is a bad cat as she has taken to sleeping in Samuel's portable playpen. Bad, bad chat!

Tomorrow is a big day as we are off to apartment hunt. We spent some time on the computer Sunday evening researching apartments and found a few and forwarded them to our re-location agent who hopefully will be able to make appointments for Tuesday. We found 3 that read like very good opportunities on the web but you never know until you see the property for yourself. Wish us luck.

Will post results of our trip tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Charters, welcome to Europe! I hope you find the perfect apartment for yourselves soon and I suggest you post fotos of the objects on this blog so that we can vote ;)
